Stella McCartney Fall 2013 beauty by makeup artist Pat McGrath and hairstylist Eugene Souleiman and go backstage with top models Bette Franke and Aymeline Valade.
The beauty look for Stella McCartney Fall 2013 was minimal but gorgeous. Pat McGrath used mascara in black on top lashes and brown on the bottom ones to emphasize the eyes, “it’s all about a beautiful lash“, Pat said backstage, adding that the look overall was all about groomed eyebrows and perfected skin. “It’s just very Stella, it’s very fresh.”
Hairstylist Eugene Souleiman said he was creating a look for the models that was “more handsome. “What we’re doing is this kind of almost men’s groomed look, but with a matte texture.” He used Wella’s Ocean Spritz Beach Texture Hairspray and the result was just so cool, effortless and chic. Watch our Stella McCartney Fall 2013 beauty video and discover more and shop the collection online at StellaMcCartney.Com.
Produced & Directed by Karen Morrison, Executive Producer & Director. Camera: Giovanni Sicignano. A production of MODTV Fashion Video Network.